3Bears and “The Lion’s Den”

Many of our porridge friends know us from the Lion's Den (DHDL for short - as we super fans like to call it), because we gained notoriety and popularity with our appearance on the show. If you didn't catch our "Lion" trip, here's an overview of our TV appearances:

…How it started: October 2017

When we were on the VOX founders show in 2017, people still thought porridge was a vegetable. And that's no joke! Caroline and Tim, our power founder couple, presented their idea and the delicious porridge - and the lions also liked it. Frank Thelen and Judith Williams took the plunge and joined the company. With strong investors at our side, 3Bears has been able to grow strongly in recent years and delight many people with a large range of porridge, bars, oats and much more! 3Bears founder Tim says: “We are so grateful for the VOX Founders Show and the opportunity to tell so many people out there more about our brand and benefits!”

…November 2017

Just a month later we were back on VOX, not in the cave itself, but a camera team accompanied us for our first so-called “recap” (fyi: this is a small segment of the show in which updates about the start-ups after theirs Deals are shown). We visited our oat mill “Rubinmühle” in the Black Forest to explore the perfect oatmeal together with Judith Williams. During the tour of the mill we were able to experience how the oat grain is turned into oat flakes - our basic ingredient for all porridges. For us, a small “bear hut” was an absolute highlight of the traditional Black Forest mill from the 14th century. No wonder we felt so comfortable there.

... 2017 and 2018

Anyone who is a real DHDL fan knows that many start-ups land deals and not only receive the necessary financial support from investors, but can also benefit from their large networks. Between 2017 and 2018, 3Bears appeared in two more recaps of The Lion's Den. The special thing about it: Investor Frank Thelen invited his seven food startups so that their founders could network, exchange honestly and learn from each other. To do this, 3Bears founders Caro and Tim traveled to Mallorca in 2017 and to the Tyrolean Alps in 2018. While the recaps on VOX provided insights into the educational and intensive workshop days of the so-called “Food Family”, the important relaxation and team building did not fall by the wayside.

… October 2018

Who would have thought that there would be a porridge world championship? A year after our first recap, we appeared in the lion's den again. The 3Bears team headed to the Scottish Highlands to cheer on founder Caro at this unique world championship. There was a competition to cook porridge, which not only had to look good but also had a special taste that would impress the jury. Caro tried to win the title with an innovative apple strudel porridge recipe. In the end it wasn't quite enough, but the 3Bears team returned to their hometown - Munich with fresh inspiration and motivation. Check out our “behind the scene” video about the shoot:

… October 2020

With our third recap, exactly three years after our pitch and deal, it became clear how successful 3Bears is. As popularity grew, so did the team behind the feel-good food. There's no question that we little bears needed a larger office with more space. In this new office in Munich we were able to welcome a very special guest: Georg Kofler, who joined as an investor instead of Judith. VOX accompanied us with the camera. 3Bears, now a strong digital brand, developed its own YouTube format “Caroline's Kitchen Magic”. In the DHDL recap we showed how the format is produced and shot a great episode with special guest Cathy Hummels. Well, curious? See for yourself:

… March 2023

At 3Bears we not only focus on developing beneficial oatmeal products, but also on joint sporting activities. That's why we were a proud sponsor of the Bienwald Marathon. The entire 3Bears team gathered to support the runners with delicious snacks. Many of our employees took part in the marathon themselves, led by co-founder Tim. As part of a recent DHDL recap, he attempted to set a world record as the fastest runner in a bear costume. Georg Kofler was also there to cheer on the team. In the end, Tim was happy about a successful attempt. A day full of team spirit, porridge, overnight oats and great runners – it couldn’t have been nicer!

…To be continued?

Who knows! One thing is certain, however: We are still crazy excited about our lion deal. If you would like to get to know us EVEN better now that you know everything about our DHDL history, just try out our different porridges: