GranolaApfel Zimt Granola Rezept Porridge Haferflocken

Magical Apple Cinnamon Granola

You can quickly conjure up crispy granola from all of our porridge varieties and have a delicious topping for your porridge.

Süßer PorridgeApfel Zimt Proats proteinreich Johannisbeeren Brombeeren Agavensirup Skyr

Apple-Cinnamon Proats for Athletes

A very simple recipe to follow to start the day, the right way!

SmoothieBananen Mohn Smoothie kalorienarm sättigend

Filling Banana Smoothie

This banana smoothie is delicious and incredibly easy to make. All you need is a blender and 5 minutes of your time.

SmoothieBeeren Hafer Smoothie viel Protein

Protein-Rich Berry Smoothie

A smoothie with berries, chia and our 3Bears Porridge, made quickly in your blender!

Süßer PorridgeGolden Porridge Kurkuma Feigen Cashew-Nüssen Kokos Joghurt

Vegan Golden Porridge with Turmeric

With this recipe you can have an exotic porridge with coconut flavour in no time!

FitnessRaw Bites Porridge Energy Balls Haferflocken kalorienarm

Raw Energy Balls with lots of Fruit

The perfect snack for in between meals. Energising and delicious!