Jahreszeiten & Anlässe

Summer vitamin porridge with fresh fruits

Sommer-Vitamin-Porridge mit frischen Früchten

Porridge for the summer, colorful fruits

This bowl is bursting with bright colors, textures and flavors! Crunchy fruit, crunchy nuts and creamy porridge make this recipe a low-calorie, healthy and delicious breakfast on warm summer days. The vitamins of the fresh fruits, plus the valuable nutrients of the “superfood” oats provide a real energy boost in the morning.

Did you know that oatmeal protects the intestinal flora and even has a cancer-preventing effect? They are also low in sugar and fat and provide valuable minerals such as iron and magnesium. With this summery porridge recipe we want to make it easier for you to start your day healthily...


5 minutes | 1 bowl of porridge

  • 50g 3Bears Fruity Coconut
  • 150ml coconut milk
  • ½ kiwi
  • ½ orange
  • ½ pomegranate
  • Passion fruit
  • 1 tbsp desiccated coconut
  • 1 tbsp blueberries
  • 1 tbsp pistachios

Summery porridge fruits kiwi orange passion fruit blueberries pistachios


  1. Cook the porridge according to the basic recipe . Mix the oat flakes with the coconut milk in a pot and let the porridge simmer on the stove over medium heat for about 3 minutes.
  2. Remove the porridge from the heat and set it aside for a few minutes. The mixture may still be a little runny, as the porridge will soak up as it cools down.
  3. Now it's time for the tropical topping. Peel the kiwi and orange and cut everything into small pieces. Next, you can cut the pomegranate and passion fruit in half and scrape out the seeds from the inside with a spoon.
  4. Take your cooled bowl of porridge and drape the fruit on it. Finally, you can sprinkle coconut flakes, blueberries and pistachios on top as a crunchy topping. The perfect summer porridge is ready!

You can find more fabulous topping ideas in our porridge recipes and on our Instagram and Pinterest channels.

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1 comment

Ulla Eichhorn

In der Beschreibung zu diesem Rezept steht, es wäre ein “kalorienarmes” Frühstück. Wieviel Kalorien hat denn eine Portion von dem Sommer-Vitamin-Porridge?

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