BackenBeerige Bananen-Muffins - ein einfaches Rezept für jeden Anlass

Berry Banana Muffins - A simple recipe for every occasion

Do you need a quick recipe to offer your guests something? These muffins made from Drerielei berry porridge are super delicious and can be prepared very quickly.

BackenVegane Pancakes aus Haferflocken für dein Sonntagsfrühstück

Vegan Pancakes made from Oatmeal for your Sunday Breakfast

A filling breakfast. Learn here how to prepare heavenly pancakes for a wonderful start to the day.

BackenUnsere liebsten Picknick Rezepte

Our Favourite Picnic Recipes

What could be better than a picnic in nature with delicious food. We have a few recipes for you to really relax.

Süßer PorridgeVeganes Kokosnuss-Porridge mit Feigen und Aprikosenkompott

Vegan Coconut Porridge with Figs and Apricot Compote

We love colourful porridge bowls! Our Fruity Coconut variety is perfect for making a delicious bowl of dates, coconut and apricots.           

Backen#3Bears Community Rezept des Monats: Vegane Kokosnuss-Hafer-Tartelettes

#3Bears Community Recipe of the Month: Vegan Coconut Oat Tartlets

Our recipe of the month! Delicious coconut tarts, which are very easy to make.

Jahreszeiten & AnlässeSommer-Vitamin-Porridge mit frischen Früchten

Summer Vitamin Porridge with Fresh Fruits

The most colourful dish you will ever cook! A bowl that tastes and looks like a summer garden.