BackenVegane Apfel-Zimt Scones Rezept schnell und einfach zubereitet

Vegan Apple Cinnamon Scones

A cake that is quick and easy and is also delicious and nutritious. Try our delicious recipe with apple-cinnamon porridge.

BackenBaked Oatmeal Banane Rezept

Baked Oatmeal with Banana

Baked oatmeal? Yes, that tastes great! If you want to try it out, we have a recipe here with our apple cinnamon porridge and banana.

BackenBlog Rezept Bananen-Walnuss-Brot mit Joghurt

Vegan Banana Walnut Bread

Is baking your own bread too much effort? No! With our porridge variety Poppy Banana it is possible to easily bake vegan bread.