2020 Porridge Bowl

2020 Porridge Bowl

Happy New Year 2020! We're sure most of you have made some resolutions for the new year, or maybe even the new decade. New Year's Eve is particularly good for this. One of our dear guest blogger Bika's resolutions is to eat less animal products. Although she is neither vegan nor vegetarian, she is still very careful about what animal products she eats and how often. Another resolution of hers, like some of you, is to eat healthier and with this resolution she started this 2020 Porridge Bowl on January 1st. You also want to start your morning like this, below you will find the recipe for your perfect porridge bowl in the new year - quick to prepare, healthy and delicious.

Preparation time: 10 minutes

Ingredients for a porridge bowl:

50g 3Bears Poppy Banana (or even a little less)
100ml milk
150ml yogurt
A handful of blueberries
A handful of raspberries
1 banana
A handful of almonds and flax seeds


  1. Mix the oat flakes with the milk and heat in the microwave for two minutes.
  2. Let cool down a little.
  3. In the meantime, wash the berries and cut the banana.
  4. Chop the almonds.
  5. Now add the yoghurt to the porridge and mix.
  6. Mix in the fruits, almonds and linseeds or decorate the porridge bowl with them.

Bon appetit and hope your resolutions give you a wonderful 2020.

About the guest author

This fabulous blog post comes from our guest blogger: the extremely strong Bika . Bika is currently a student and uses her free time to read, draw, cook, bake and create recipes. On her Instagram account @bikabee she shares her creations and recipes.

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