
Feel good through pregnancy

Feelgoodmäßig durch die Schwangerschaft

Is your head already spinning? At the latest when the pregnancy test shows two lines, the world turns upside down. On the one hand, because perhaps the most exciting chapter of your life now begins. But probably also because you have to change your life and your diet quite a bit now.

What works and what doesn't? Suddenly you have to pay attention to a lot. There are also cravings and cravings. Eating during pregnancy and breastfeeding can be a real challenge. Oats, our favorite superfood, are healthy, versatile and uncomplicated. An ideal companion for your pregnancy and breastfeeding. In our guide we have put together a few tips and recipes that might save you a few Google sessions.

Clean eating with porridge power

A healthy breakfast during pregnancy will make you fit for all the adventures that await you - be it the first ultrasound or the baby shower that your friends are planning for you. The same applies to breakfast: the more balanced, the better. Fruit and dried fruits are ideal for those with a sweet tooth. Porridge and muesli for pregnant women should ideally not contain any industrial sugar. The biggest advantage: Porridge is as varied as your pregnancy and not only satisfies your craving for sweets.

Because oats are full of valuable nutrients. For example, oatmeal contains folic acid, which is so important for pregnant women and strengthens the immune system. Oats also help with gestational diabetes: They contain beta-glucans, which raise blood sugar levels gently and stably. They also give you a good gut feeling. Another plus: They have a positive effect on the gastrointestinal tract and relieve constipation and diarrhea. Plus, porridge fills you up for hours and can be prepared in countless ways. This means you won't get bored with culinary delights for nine months. Really nice, right?

Bye bye cravings and cravings: it's easy with these super snacks

The miracle weapon against cravings etc. are filling foods that contain plenty of fiber or protein. Such as seeds and nuts. They are real power food and are full of valuable nutrients. Sunflower seeds provide lots of folic acid and are an excellent source of protein. Almonds are rich in calcium, which is especially important from the third trimester onwards. Flaxseeds and pumpkin seeds are an optimal source of iron. A tip: snack with something that is rich in vitamin C, such as peppers. This allows the body to absorb iron even better.

By the way, which nuts are allowed during pregnancy only depends on which ones you can tolerate. Hazelnuts, walnuts, peanuts, etc. are harmless. You should only be careful with bitter almonds: they contain amygdalin, which can form hydrogen cyanide in the body. However, you can enjoy sweet almonds during pregnancy without any worries.

Fancy a date?

Dates not only taste really good, but are a real super fruit during pregnancy. Have you ever heard that around six (65-70g) dates per day from the 36th week of pregnancy? can ensure, among other things, an intact amniotic sac at birth, a shortened labor phase, a faster afterbirth and even strengthened uterine muscles? The study on this can be read at the following link . Dates not only taste really good, but are also a real super fruit during pregnancy. And by the way, they are in almost all of our porridges. It's a date!

Snack healthily with the Mama Organic Date Balls from Mabyen

Don't you like eating dates straight? Then we have another great tip for you apart from our porridge. Together with Clasen Bio, Mabyen has developed really great Mama Organic Date Balls in the flavors cocoa and mango . Not only do they taste really delicious, but they are full of high-quality and purely natural ingredients such as mango, cocoa nibs and cashews. And the whole thing in organic quality. This makes them the ideal snack for pregnant women with important nutrients such as iron, fiber and antioxidants. And also perfect for the hospital bag for an extra energy boost before and after the birth. During breastfeeding, they support you as a mother with your increased energy needs. By the way, the yummy date balls are available at dm on the mom shelf. And of course in the Mabyen online shop : Be sure to take a look there.

Are you still looking for inspo?

Blog it like it's hot: It's worth checking out our oat recipe blog . These three recipes are particularly ideal for your health during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Because they are full of ingredients that will boost your well-being as an (expectant) mother:
- Creamy oats with dates
- Vegan Rainbow Porridge Bowl
- Delicious date cacao bars

5 feel-good tips for pregnancy and breastfeeding

#1 Find a superhero without a cape: your midwife.

Find a good midwife as a competent contact early on. She is at your side with advice and support. This is extremely calming and provides security. You can really ask her anything. There's probably no question a midwife hasn't heard.

#2 We like to move it, move it.

Move a lot and stay active - of course only as long as it's good for you. Pelvic floor training should not be ignored. Yoga, Pilates and walks are particularly good during this time. A good platform for live and on-demand yoga etc. at home is Akira .

#3 You are what you eat.

Eat a healthy and balanced diet. This is more important now than ever and an ideal opportunity to break bad eating habits once and for all. Detox works the nice way with porridge.

#4 Take a deep breath.

Breathe consciously (in the morning) and practice mindfulness. You can consciously feel all the changes and build an even deeper connection with your baby. Ciao stress, hello inner peace! There are also cool apps that can help you meditate. We like Calm or Headspace .

#5 Create your space for thoughts.

Keep a pregnancy journal. Design your diary however you want. The sky is the limit. This time of your life is full of small and large miracles. Write them down and give yourself space to think. Plus, it's just incredibly nice to remember the anticipation of having a baby after a few months or even years. One day maybe even together with the offspring.

Do you want to find out more about nutrition during pregnancy? Then take a look here >>

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